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November 16, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />SUMMARY AND STAFF/PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Preliminary and Final Plat for St Anthony Bremer Addition - Staff recommends approval with <br />the following conditions: <br />1.Access and utility easements shall be in place to accommodate the requirements of the <br />approved PUD development plans. Proof of such easements shall be provided to the City <br />as a part of the original or amended documentation. <br />2.Ongoing site development issues shall be subject to comment and recommendation by <br />the City Engineer, and may be modified to ensure consistency with the intent and <br />requirements of the PUD zoning. <br />3.Issues related to grading, drainage and utilities shall be subject to comment and <br />recommendation by the City Engineer. <br />4.The applicant enter into the PUD and/or plat development agreement with the City and <br />post all the necessary securities required by it. <br />5.Consideration of comments of other City Staff. <br />This recommendation is based on a finding that the proposal, with the conditions cited, is <br />consistent with the requirements for Plat consideration as required by the Subdivision <br />Ordinance, with the long-term objectives of the Interstate-Bremer PUD, and with the <br />recommendations and policies of the St. Anthony Comprehensive Plan. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A:Location map <br />Exhibit B:Application and Supporting Material <br />Exhibit C: Draft City Council resolution