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PL PACKET 11162021
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PL PACKET 11162021
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11/10/2021 4:40:54 PM
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11/10/2021 4:40:39 PM
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Dear Land Use Applicant: <br />As a part of the Land Use Permit you are seeking, you will be asked to provide funds to cover the <br />City’s expected costs of review and processing of your request. There are two components to this <br />amount. <br />The first is a base fee, which is a non-refundable amount. This fee covers several expenses, <br />including: <br />• The City’s costs of internal review of your application for completeness; <br />• Ensuring that all required materials are available to properly process your request; <br />• Public hearing notices which must be published in the City’s official newspaper (the Star <br />Tribune); <br />• Mailed notice to all neighboring property owners within 350 feet of your property; <br />• This base fee also covers a portion of the City’s costs in preparing staff reviews and reports to <br />the appropriate public officials who will consider and ultimately make a decision on your <br />request. For most applications, this includes the Planning Commission, which prepares an <br />advisory recommendation following a formal public hearing on the matter, and the City <br />Council, which makes the final decision. Other public bodies may be involved as well, <br />depending on the exact nature of your request. <br />The second component of the funds is an escrow amount, above the base fee. While the base fee <br />covers most of the fixed expenses, it is common that staff and consultant review will exceed the base <br />fee. To ensure that the costs of extraordinary review are not borne by neighbors, the City requires <br />the escrow from which to draw those costs. <br />You can minimize the amounts necessary to review your application by making sure it is complete <br />and clear. Properly drawn plans and thorough narrative descriptions all help to streamline the City’s <br />processing, which leads directly to lower costs. <br />Following the final decision on your application by the City Council, staff will account for costs and <br />review the escrow. If any funds remain, those will be refunded to you. It typically takes a couple of <br />months to assemble final invoices before the City’s finance department can reconcile the account. <br />The staff works diligently to finalize accounts as soon as possible, so please be patient. If you are <br />curious as to the status of your escrow, feel free to contact City Hall. <br />Before you begin this process, please consider a pre-application conference (by phone, email, or in <br />person) with City community development staff. We are ready to assist in helping you understand the <br />complexities of the review process, and the standards on which a potential application will be <br />considered. We can also advise you on the materials that will help ensure you have a complete and <br />clear application. <br />City of St. Anthony City Hall 612-782-3301 <br />Thanks for your interest in improving your property and reinvesting in the St. Anthony Village <br />community. <br /> <br />
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