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PL PACKET 11162021
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PL PACKET 11162021
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 19, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />1 to the property line with a zero setback. For such buildings, a setback requirement of 5 feet <br />2 applies, although an existing non-conforming structure can be replaced in its prior location, <br />3 provided the non-conformity is not increased. <br />4 <br />5 Staff’s estimates of impervious surface cover – including all paved areas and the areas of the <br />6 shed and home, totals approximately 42.5%. For single family parcels less than 9,000 square <br />7 feet, an impervious surface maximum of 40% is required. As such, on this lot of 8,732 square <br />8 feet, the allowable impervious area is exceeded by approximately 220 square feet. <br />9 <br />10 Staff has reviewed for use, setbacks and impervious surface, among other standards. Based on <br />11 the material presented by the applicant, and the requirements for variance consideration in the <br />12 City’s zoning ordinance, Staff recommends approval of a portion of the driveway setback <br />13 encroachment, denial o the patio setback encroachment, denial of the shed setback <br />14 encroachment, and denial of the impervious surface variance. Because these improvements <br />15 were completed prior to permitting or zoning approval, denial of the variances noted would <br />16 require removal of some of the improvements made to the property. <br />17 <br />18 Four separate variances are necessary to accommodate the improvements that the applicant <br />19 has made to the property as follows: <br />20 <br />1.21 Side Yard Setback Variance for Driveway, reducing the required 5-foot setback to 2 feet. <br />22 Staff recommends approval, based on a finding that the current garage and driveway are <br />23 inadequate to provide reasonable access and parking area on the property, and that further <br />24 expansion to the interior of the lot would create other zoning issues. <br />2.25 Side Yard Setback Variance for Patio, reducing the required 5-foot setback to 2 feet. Staff <br />26 recommends denial, based on a finding that the threshold requirements for unique <br />27 conditions and definition of reasonable use are not met according to the requirements of <br />28 the zoning ordinance for variance consideration. A portion of the patio should be removed <br />29 to meet the 5-foot setback. <br />3.30 Side and Rear Yard Setback Variance for Shed Expansion from 5 feet to 0 feet. Staff <br />31 recommends denial, based on a finding that the threshold requirements for unique <br />32 conditions and definition of reasonable use are not met according to the requirements of <br />33 the zoning ordinance for variance consideration. The applicant may choose to remove a <br />34 portion of the shed to retain the prior non-conformity setbacks for a 10’ by 10’ shed or <br />35 relocate the expanded shed to meet the 5-foot setback. <br />4.36 Impervious Surface Variance from 40% maximum coverage to 43% coverage. Staff <br />37 recommends denial, based on a finding that the threshold requirements for unique <br />38 conditions and definition of reasonable use are not met according to the requirements of <br />39 the zoning ordinance for variance consideration. The applicant should work with Code <br />40 Enforcement to remove at least 220 square feet of impervious area (this amount based on <br />41 staff estimates) or provide a survey that demonstrates a different amount of removal to <br />42 meet the maximum allowable coverage of 40% (3,715 square feet). <br />43 <br />44 Mr. Grittman offered 3 alternatives for each of the 4 decisions. <br />45
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