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PL PACKET 11162021
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PL PACKET 11162021
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11/10/2021 4:40:39 PM
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 19, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br />1 Commissioner Kuykendall asked if the patio was a deck would the setback requirements be <br />2 the same and Mr. Grittman stated the requirements are the same. <br />3 <br />4 Commissioner Hendrickson asked if someone with a mobility device could manage on a <br />5 smaller patio without issue and Mr. Grittman stated normally the width for accessibility is 3 <br />6 feet and the patio is larger. <br />7 <br />8 Commissioner Morita asked the purpose of a 5-foot setback for a shed. Mr. Grittman stated <br />9 the purpose is to allow for the homeowner to get around the shed for maintenance as well as <br />10 an erosion issue. <br />11 <br />12 Acting Chair Socha stated could the shed be made smaller, the same as the previous shed. Mr. <br />13 Grittman stated that would be approved. <br />14 <br />15 Commissioner Rude stated the homeowner could put a 6- foot fence. There is a very tall <br />16 garage next door. The biggest problem he has is with the driveway. <br />17 <br />18 Commissioner Morita stated with winter restrictions and no on-street parking sometimes <br />19 parking in a driveway that is not wide enough is an issue. He believes there is a practical need <br />20 for a wider driveway given the accessibility concerns. <br />21 <br />22 Commissioner Rude stated he does not think the driveway needed to go as wide as it is. <br />23 <br />24 Acting Chair Socha asked Commissioner Rude if he was considering an alternative to reduce <br />25 the width of the driveway. Twenty feet would be needed for the accessibility van. <br />26 <br />27 Commissioner Hendrickson stated she would prefer the applicants decide where they will cut <br />28 impervious rather than the Commission telling them what they needed to do. <br />29 <br />30 Acting Chair Socha stated she agrees with Commissioner Rude that the driveway is not <br />31 aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Grittman stated there are a couple of feet between the driveways. <br />32 <br />33 There was no further public comment. <br />34 <br />35 Acting Chair Socha closed the public hearing at 8:02 p.m. <br />36 <br />37 Mr. Grittman stated the portion of the driveway would not help the impervious percentage. <br />38 <br />39 Commissioner Morita asked what if the property owner does nothing to resolve. Mr. Grittman <br />40 stated code enforcement would work with the owner with possible legal actions. <br />41 <br />42 Motion by Commissioner Kuykendall, seconded by Commissioner Hendrickson, to <br />43 recommend the City Council approve 2912 Crestview Dr. Variance – Encroach into the <br />44 Required Setbacks for driveway variance requests. <br />45 <br />46 Motion carried 3-2 (Socha and Rude against).
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