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CITY OF SAINT ANTHONY VILLAGE <br />HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION 22-0xx <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br />FOR AN ELECTRONIC DYNAMIC DISPLAY SIGN AT 3303 33RD AVENUE NE <br />IN THE “ROS”, RECREATION OPEN SPACE ZONING DISTRICT <br />WHEREAS, the City of St. Anthony Village received a request on behalf of the St. Anthony <br />High School for a ground sign with an electronic dynamic display at 3303 33rd Ave. NE; and <br />WHEREAS, the property is located in the “ROS”, Recreation Open Space Zoning District; and <br />WHEREAS, the subject parcel is currently developed with an existing dynamic sign; and <br />WHEREAS, such electronic digital display signs are allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the <br />ROS District; and <br />WHEREAS, subject to verification of height and black background, the proposed sign is <br />consistent with the requirements of the Sign Ordinance with regard to size, setback and other <br />standards, or will be made so pursuant to City approval; and <br />WHEREAS, the sign can be constructed to be consistent with the materials standards required <br />by the Sign Ordinance related to such signs; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, <br />which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 21, 2021 on the <br />application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present <br />information to the Planning Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit <br />with the conditions noted in the Staff report, and as listed below; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council makes the following findings of fact in support of the resolution <br />for approval: <br />1.The property is located in an area of institutional land uses on a collector roadway. <br />2.The proposed sign is reasonably consistent with the character of the neighborhood in <br />which it is located. <br />3.The dimensional requirements of the City’s Sign Ordinance can be met by the proposed <br />application as verified. <br />4.With the modification or verification of the size under conditions as recommended by the <br />Planning Commission, the proposed improvements constitute a reasonable use of the <br />property. <br />5.The operational aspects of the City’s Sign Ordinance can be met on an ongoing basis by <br />the owner/operator of the sign.