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6.The proposed sign, constructed and operated within the requirements of the Code, will <br />not adversely impact surrounding property or public areas. <br />NOW THEREFORE MAY IT BE RESOVLED, that the City Council of the <br />City of St. Anthony Village accepts the findings and recommendations documented in the staff <br />report and approves Conditional Use Permit for a dynamic display sign as shown on the plans <br />submitted as of December 2, 2021, at 3303 33rd Avenue NE, with the following conditions: <br />1.Applicant will submit plans showing a height of 8 feet. <br />2.Compliance with the operational standards of the code in Section 155.29, notably the <br />requirements for a static, monochrome message of at least 8 seconds duration on a black <br />background, and other related requirements. <br />Passed in regular session of the City Council on the ___ day of _________, 2022. <br />____________________________________ <br />Randy Stille, Mayor <br />ATTEST:____________________________ <br /> City Clerk <br />Review for Administration: ____________________________________ <br />Charlie Yunker, City Manager