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February 15, 2022 <br />Page 4 <br />memorandum for the City’s 2040 Plan required the City to adopt an affordable unit <br />allocation for 2020 – 2030 of 153 affordable housing units. <br />Re-guiding the subject property to Low Density Residential would remove a significant <br />portion of those affordable units from the 2020-2030 and 2030-2040 Plan inventory, and <br />they would (likely) have to be reallocated to other sites. It is not clear how this might occur, <br />and would require some presumably extensive discussions with the City for suitable <br />locations, as well as with Met Council staff. In that regard, it is possible that some or all of <br />the replaced manufactured homes may qualify for a portion of that allocation, but because <br />there is no specific development approval for the site, the mechanism for ensuring that is <br />not clear at this point. <br />Moreover, the applicant’s plans for the site – if the prior manufactured home park is a guide <br />– would anticipate more than 90 units on the property (the precise number has not been <br />determined). In any case, at 11 acres, the density of the site is actually more than 8 units <br />per acre – a land use that falls in the medium density category (4-20 units per acre, per the <br />2040 Plan). <br />Before staff undertakes the extensive research and Met Council discussions required to <br />pursue and ascertain the extent of other changes necessary to accomplish the applicant’s <br />request, a determination as to whether the City considers that effort to be in the interest of <br />the City’s 2040 Plan overall and its land use goals and objectives. While the property owner <br />is concerned that the Hennepin County Assessor is incented to raise property value (and <br />thus property taxes) on the parcel, the land use implications for the City are separate from <br />that interest. <br />For reference, the taxable value and classification taken from the Hennepin County website <br />list the parcel as “Manufactured Home Park” assessed 2021, for taxes payable 2022. Staff is <br />unaware if that classification has been changed for 2023. <br />SUMMARY AND STAFF/PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Staff Recommendation <br />Staff recommends the following Planning Commission Motion: <br />2.That the Planning Commission forward the application for a Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment to the City Council re-guiding the subject property from High <br />Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, rather than the Low Density <br />Residential requested by the applicant. <br />This recommendation is made based on findings that while the current zoning <br />designation on the City’s Zoning Map and the land use designation in the City’s 2040 <br />Land Use Plan are not consistent, neither is consistent the actual intended use of the <br />property as a Manufactured Home Park, the stated intent of the owner/applicant <br />and the current use as it is being developed.