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March 15, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />The site is considered a “double frontage lot,” having street frontage along both 27th <br />Avenue NE to the north and Kenzie Terrace to the south. Recognizing that direct lot access <br />is not available from the north, the area south of the building is considered the “front yard.” <br />According to Section 150.07(C)(2) of the City Code, no fence serving a commercial use may <br />be over 6 feet in height within a required front yard setback. The Code further states that <br />fences may extend to a total height of 8 with a security arm for barbed wire if a conditional <br />use permit is obtained. Within General Commercial zoning districts, the required front yard <br />setback is 35 feet or a distance equal to the average of the front yard depths on the two <br />adjacent lots. <br />The City Code sets out a series of criteria necessary to qualify for conditional use permit <br />consideration. Those criteria are found in §152.24s, (C) of the Zoning Chapter, and are <br />included in a latter section this report. It is the opinion of Staff that the proposed increase <br />in fence height satisfies the referenced conditional use permit evaluation criteria and will <br />serve to improve compatibility between the automotive business and adjacent single-family <br />home. <br />Some concern with both the existing and proposed fence relates to traffic visibility as the <br />existing fence extends to abutting alley’s right-of-way line. According to Section 150.072 (D) <br />of the City Code…