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PL PACKET 03152022
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
PL PACKET 03152022
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/14/2022 10:35:28 AM
Creation date
3/14/2022 10:35:05 AM
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March 15, 2022 <br />Page 4 <br />No fence shall be placed in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a <br />height of two and one-half (2 ½ ) feet and ten (10) feet above the centerline grades of <br />the intersection of a street and alley or driveway such that a clear line of vision is <br />possible of the intersecting street from a distance of fifteen (15) feet along the edge of <br />the street and along the alley or driveway, and a third line connecting the other sides, <br />unless otherwise required or approved by the Zoning Administrator or other Authorized <br />Agent. <br />It is however, acknowledged that the proposed increase in fence height will have no impact <br />on existing traffic visibility conditions. <br />As a condition of conditional use permit approval, it is recommended that the new fence <br />meet all applicable fence construction requirements as outlined in Section 150.073 of the <br />Code and reiterated below: <br />(A) Fences and walls shall be constructed in a manner and of such materials that do <br />not adversely affect the appearance of the neighborhood or adjacent property <br />values. Fences shall not be constructed from poultry netting (chicken wire), <br />welded wire, snow fence, branches, or materials originally intended for other <br />purposes, unless upon the showing of a high degree of architectural quality <br />achieved through the use of such materials, and prior approval is granted by the <br />Zoning Administrator or other Authorized Agent. <br />(B) Fences and walls hereafter erected shall be durable, weather resistant, rust <br />proof, and easily maintained. <br />(C) Fences shall have structural supports (posts/footings) as required by the Building <br />Official. <br />(D) Fences and walls shall be constructed of new or like new materials. <br />(E) The finished appearance of fences and walls shall be constructed with the higher <br />quality finish directed toward the exterior of the property if the visual quality of <br />the fence or wall is not the same on both sides. <br />(F) The framing and posts of wood, chain link, picket, stockade, and decorative metal <br />fences shall face the inside of the parcel area fenced. The side of the fence <br />considered to be the face (facing as applied to fence posts) shall face the abutting <br />property. <br />(G)No more than two (2) types of related fencing materials shall be used in any <br />fence and wall. <br />(H)Both sides of any fence or wall shall be maintained in a condition of reasonable <br />repair and appearance by its owner and shall not be allowed to become and <br />remain in a condition of disrepair or danger, or constitute a nuisance, public or <br />private. <br />(I) The property owner is responsible for providing proof of property line location.
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