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PL PACKET 03152022
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PL PACKET 03152022
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3/14/2022 10:35:05 AM
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March 15, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />2040 Comprehensive Plan. <br />The Comprehensive Plan identifies existing commercial and industrial development in the community as <br />consisting of four general areas. Those are described in Chapter 4 (Land Use) as follows: <br />Commercial and Industrial Infill and Redevelopment <br />St. Anthony has four significant commercial and industrial nodes: <br />The Southwest Area (between Kenzie Terrace and Lowry Avenue); <br />Silver Lake Village (north of 37th Avenue and west of Silver Lake Road; <br />The industrial park on the southeast side of the city (south of New Brighton <br />Boulevard); and <br />The industrial area in the northeast corner of the city north of 37th Avenue. <br />Each of these four areas will retain their commercial and industrial guidance in the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan update, but there may be opportunities to promote infill at each of <br />these sites as land ownership or tenancy changes hands. In particular, St. Anthony <br />supports the creative use of commercial land for incorporating residential uses into <br />commercial developments where the <br />The Legacy of St. Anthony at 2540 Kenzie Terrace is 73 units on a 1.25-acre parcel, while <br />the housing developments at Silver Lake Village are about 38 units per acre overall. St. <br />Anthony 2040 Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4: Land Use integration of residential uses <br />would be appropriate and well-supported by existing infrastructure. <br />St. Anthony acknowledges that commercial areas will continue to adapt and change <br />based on the changing retail environment and the age of many commercial properties. <br />Furthermore, the future of parking requirements may also change as technologies <br />advance and the ride sharing economy impacts transportation choices. A short summary <br />of foreseeable opportunities at each of these nodes is summarized here: <br />• Southwest Area. In 2016, St. Anthony was the recipient of a technical assistance panel <br />(TAP) from ULI Minnesota in which ULI staff and experts analyzed the redevelopment <br />potential of the Southwest Area of the city. The panel found that the cost of land <br />acquisition and relatively good condition of the existing developments in this area may <br />be prohibitive to redevelopment. However, they also suggest that placemaking <br />improvements such as welcoming entry points and streetscape and commercial design <br />elements could help to draw people to the location and create a unified “district feel”. A <br />possible catalyst that could spur redevelopment might be the attraction of a strong retail <br />anchor. Another consideration is the impact that redevelopment of the nearby Southern <br />Gateway site could have on the surrounding area and an increased demand for retail <br />opportunities and livable spaces in the Southwest Area. <br />• Silver Lake Village. This area represents relatively recent development, but the current <br />vacancy of the Walmart building on the corner of 37th Avenue and Silver Lake Road has <br />been a priority for St. Anthony. The Walmart building and associated parking lot are <br />currently targeted for redevelopment.
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