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March 15, 2022 <br />Page 4 <br />• Southeast industrial Park. The industrial park area east of Highway 88 hosts a mixture <br />of office and warehousing or light industrial uses. Some of the aging properties may <br />become redevelopment target areas or sites for more modern industrial building as the <br />properties undergo changes or sale. <br />• Northeast Industrial Area. The properties in the northeast industrial park area are <br />located in close proximity to existing medium and high-density residential development. <br />Some of these aging properties may become redevelopment target areas or sites for <br />more modern industrial building as the properties undergo changes or sale. <br />The 2040 Plan focuses much of the implementation activity on Residential and Housing-related policy. <br />The following “Action Steps” (of 14 total such steps) are identified as relating to Commercial and <br />Industrial land uses: <br />2. Conduct further study and planning on the re-development or better <br />utilization of the current industrial park. <br />8. Plan for the re-development of underutilized commercial properties, especially <br />those on higher volume streets and transit routes, for higher density, multi- <br />family and senior housing. <br />10. Identify areas in the community for the development of new, higher end <br />office space. <br />11. Utilize the Planned Unit Development re-zoning as a tool at key locations to <br />promote market flexibility, integrated land uses, density and walkability. <br />14. Revise the zoning code to allow for residential uses in commercial districts, in <br />order to better meet anticipated market and transportation trends.