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PK PACKET 06052023
Parks & Planning Commission
Parks and Environmental Commission Packets
PK PACKET 06052023
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6/2/2023 1:35:16 PM
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6/2/2023 1:26:55 PM
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6 IniƟaƟves ‐ PICK 3‐5 BASED ON STAKEHOLDER INPUT: IniƟaƟves Lead Timeline of AcƟons Metrics 1 A sampling of iniƟaƟve ideas is listed below, to be determined with stakeholder engagement. They could include: Adopt a policy on water conservaƟon by a Goal Year X Educate residents about the benefits of rain gardens. Green infrastructure/carbon sequestraƟon value of vegetaƟon and water infiltraƟon planning Encourage conservaƟon efforts in homes and businesses to reduce water usage. ConƟnue to track metrics related to water usage through the GreenStep CiƟes program. Provide more resources and emphasis on current goals in the Comprehensive Plan related to the Storm Water Management and Water Supply Plans. ParƟcipate in the next round of the water planning process and Comprehensive Water Planning to integrate climate acƟon and sustainability. Promote the Adopt‐a‐Drain program to reduce materials entering the stormwater sewers. Reduce impervious surfaces across the City. Support protecƟon of key water resilience infrastructure, such as flood miƟgaƟon systems and water treatment faciliƟes. City Staff, Commission, Council, etc. IdenƟfy…… ConƟnue outreach on…. Funding and programs… Provide educaƟonal content to… Work with the partners, such as the watershed districts, technical assistance partners, etc.…. Incorporate incenƟves for ex (rain garden installaƟon, rebate programs for water reducƟon fixtures, cost share, etc.) Money saved Stakeholders engaged Amount of water captured and cleaned ReducƟon in stormwater runoff managed Benefits to biodiversity and other ecological health metrics
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