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PL PACKET 10172023
Parks & Planning Commission
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PL PACKET 10172023
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10/18/2023 8:59:34 AM
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10/18/2023 8:58:52 AM
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Planning Commission - October 18, 2023 <br />Page 8 <br />Ordinance Proposal No. 3: Create a Conditional Use Permit clause for “Sacred <br />Settlements” as an accessory use of religious institutional uses. The CUP provision <br />would be conditioned on the following elements: <br />1.The proposed settlement meets all conditions and requirements of MN Stat. Section <br />320.30 as may be amended from time to time. <br />2.Settlements established under this provision shall only be allowed on the property <br />of the principal sponsoring faith community, and shall be an accessory use, not the <br />principal use of the property. <br />3.Setbacks for the micro-units are equal to the required setback of that of the zoning <br />district on the adjoining parcel or the setback requirements of the district in which <br />the settlement is located, whichever is greater. <br />4.Where such uses are located adjacent to any single family residential use, a <br />landscape buffer providing reasonable screening between such uses is provided. <br />5.Where such uses are located adjacent to any Business or Industrial property, a <br />landscape buffer and a solid maintenance-free fence shall be provided to both <br />screen the uses and provide a physical separation. <br />6.Access to the micro-units in a community created under this provision shall be only <br />through the internal private access of the sponsoring faith community, and not <br />through other properties nor directly to the public street. <br />7.Parking supplies for the property shall be adequate to serve both the residential use <br />established under this provision, and for all other principal uses of the property, <br />including the primary religious institutional use. As the residential use is a round- <br />the-clock use of the property, each unit shall be afforded one parking space in <br />addition to the other parking requirements of the site use. <br />8.Other requirements of the City as deemed necessary to ensure health and safety of <br />the proposed community, and compatibility with the neighborhood in which the use <br />is located. <br />Summary <br />This report presents a number of proposals to regulate rental housing – particularly single <br />family rental housing – in the Village. Three general aspects of rental housing are addressed: <br />First, single family rental numbers and nature of ownership are addressed by Ordinance <br />Proposal No. 1. Options within this ordinance would include geographic restrictions.
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