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Planning Commission - October 18, 2023 <br />Page 10 <br />Appendix: Sacred Settlements – League of Minnesota Cities Summary Information <br />Individuals Qualifying for Micro Unit Eligibility <br />Micro-unit dwellings within sacred settlements are intended to provide an additional means for <br />faith communities to serve chronically homeless individuals, designated volunteers, and <br />extremely low-income individuals in accordance with their religious vocations. <br />An individual who meets the definition of being chronically homeless is someone who is <br />unhoused and lives or resides in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, <br />or in an emergency shelter for at least one year, or on at least four separate occasions in <br />the last three years. <br />An individual who meets the definition of being extremely low income has an income <br />that is equal to or less than 30% of the area median income. <br />A designated volunteer is an individual who has not experienced homelessness and is <br />approved by the religious institution to live in the sacred settlement as their sole form of <br />housing. <br />The language defines a religious institution to include a church, synagogue, mosque, or <br />religious organization organized under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 315. <br />Micro-unit Structure Rrequirements <br />There are myriad of requirements and minimum standards in the statutory language that <br />address both the standards for the micro units themselves as well as requirements and <br />restrictions for faith communities that chose to establish a sacred settlement of micro units on <br />their religious property. <br />Under the new law, micro units must meet certain building requirements and standards <br />to be allowed for placement in a sacred settlement on religious property. <br />All micro units must be built to the requirements of the American National Standards <br />Institute (ANSI) Code 119.5, which includes standards for heating, electrical, fire, and life <br />safety. <br />Additionally, micro units are subject to inspection for compliance with statutory <br />standards and must meet the following minimum requirements: <br />o Be no more than 400 gross square feet. <br />o Be built on a permanent chassis and anchored to pin foundations with <br />engineered fasteners. <br />o Have exterior material compatible in composition, appearance, and durability to <br />materials used in standard residential construction. <br />o Meet minimum framing standards and insulation ratings for doors and windows <br />and include a dry, compostable, or plumbed toilet meeting Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency rules. <br />o Include smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and comply with municipal <br />setback requirements if established by ordinance or be set back on all sides by at <br />least 10 feet if no ordinance exists.
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