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42 <br />COMMON TRAITS <br />Expectations of Councilmembers <br />While there are many differences in Councilmembers, there are many common traits in their approach to <br />governing that seem to strongly influence their success as leaders. These traits include the following: <br />Successful Councilmembers have an attitude of humility. <br />All Councilmembers can be justifiably proud that they have been elected—it is a significant <br />accomplishment and a reflection of the trust that others have that they will be ethical and competent <br />representatives. However, truly successful Councilmembers are also humble; they realize that they are no <br />smarter than before their election, that there is much to learn, and that much is expected of them. <br />Successful Councilmembers reject an attitude of entitlement. <br />Effective Councilmembers expect to give more than they receive. They recognize that their position is <br />not one of entitlement, but rather one of responsibility to their constituents, council colleagues, and staff <br />and — equally important — to the office they hold and will eventually pass on to others. <br />Successful Councilmembers are willing to learn. <br />To have an open mind means to appreciate the value that comes from having one’s opinions and ideas <br />challenged. Successful councilmembers listen, respect diverse opinions, and realize that the correct <br />decisions might be different than they initially believed. <br />Successful Councilmembers recognize the difference between being responsive <br />and responsible. <br />The mayor may be the most visible representative of city government in the community and <br />Councilmembers may spend a great deal of their time simply listening to the concerns of their <br /> constituents — who are often also their neighbors, friends, coworkers, and customers. <br /> Being a responsive councilmember means listening to the concerns and demonstrating an <br />understanding of the concern. <br />Being a responsible councilmember means sharing the concern with the city manager who can follow <br />up with the community member regarding the concern. <br />However, it is important to recognize that the public’s interest is often different than a particular <br />constituent’s desires and needs. <br />Successful Councilmembers know that while it is sometimes appropriate to respond to the needs of <br />individual constituents, in other instances they must act for the betterment of the whole community, <br />even when some residents may not like it. <br />It is essential to evaluate each decision against both principles, and have the courage to act <br />appropriately.