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43 <br />COMMON TRAITS <br />Successful Councilmembers value partnership and teamwork. <br />Effective governments are no more than effective teams. When the mayor, city councilmembers, and <br />staff view each other as resources and partners, they are more likely to be able to meet their <br />community’s needs, no matter how difficult. However, when the city’s elected officials look for <br />scapegoats and blame staff or each other it chills innovation and risk taking, leads to low morale and <br />turnover, and ultimately to failure. <br />Both elected and appointed officials must be held accountable even though mistakes will occur. <br />Effective Councilmembers spend their energy on learning from mistakes and how to avoid them in <br />the future, and not on finding someone to blame. <br /> If there is a significant issue, it will be addressed by Council leadership and the City Manager. <br />Keys to team-building success <br />Many observers of government have linked city success with the ability of the mayor and council to work <br />together as a team. Both inside meetings and during one-to-one. <br />Working collaboratively to establish visions, goals, and priorities. When priorities and policies are set <br />collaboratively they often have greater stakeholder buy-in. <br />Successful Councilmembers gather their facts before making decisions. <br />Some issues that arise do require immediate action, even when all the facts or opinions have not been <br />collected. However, successful Councilmembers recognize that these rare situations are the exception <br />rather than the rule. <br />Councilmembers and city councils may at times feel enormous pressure from constituents to act <br />immediately in response to a crisis or new event. Taking the time to plan a thoughtful, concerted <br />response may not always be a popular decision. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that, even <br />in a crisis, better decisions invariably result when there is opportunity and effort to gather crucial <br />information and thoroughly discuss alternatives.