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CC PACKET 02132024
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 02132024
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2/13/2024 2:17:13 PM
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2/13/2024 2:16:11 PM
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2024 <br />An item can be moved from the consent agenda to the action agenda at the request of the Mayor <br />or Councilmember. <br />The Mayor will give a brief explanation of each item as it is addressed on the agenda to provide <br />background to individuals who are attending the meeting in-person, viewing online, the live <br />broadcast, or recording on NineNorth. <br />The order of items on the agenda need not be followed absolutely. The Mayor may adjust the <br />order in the interest of: <br />▪ Filling in time before a scheduled item, i.e. a public hearing. <br />▪ Grouping several items to best make use of consultant time. <br />▪ Accommodating individuals who attend the meeting specifically to provide input on an item. <br />PROCESS REGULAR AND SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETINGS <br />For these proceedings the Council will use the “open discussion” procedure. discussion is open to <br />any member before or after a motion is made. The privilege is also extended to the City Manager, <br />and any of the consultants who may have an interest in or can contribute to the item at hand. <br />The Mayor can make liberal use of the “unanimous consent” procedure. That is, items that in the <br />judgment of the Mayor are likely to be unanimously approved can be introduced for approval with <br />the statement: “If there are no objections, stands approved (or denied).” If any Council member <br />has an objection, the item reverts to the standard motion procedure. This “unanimous consent” <br />procedure cannot be used for items requiring formal votes, i.e., resolutions or for approval of the <br />consent agenda. <br />The standard motion procedure is that each motion requires a second. This also applies to <br />amendments. Any motion, by any member, shall be reduced to writing upon request of any <br />member. No motion shall be put to a vote until it has been stated by the maker at the request of <br />any member of the Council. <br />To eliminate confusion, only one amendment will be considered at a time and that amendment <br />must be relevant to the motion. An amendment cannot itself be amended. If a change to an <br />amendment is deemed appropriate, the amendment should be withdrawn and reintroduced <br />accordingly. <br />The general mode of voting will be voiced with enough clarity that individual votes can be <br />recorded in the minutes. If in doubt, any member can request clarification. Each individual’s vote <br />will be entered in the minutes. <br />Any member may abstain from voting or disqualify themselves. The reason for disqualification or <br />abstention must be stated by the member and entered into the minutes. If a member chooses to <br />disqualify, they may leave the dias while the issue is being considered.
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