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CC PACKET 02132024
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 02132024
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2024 <br />Roberts Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the City Council procedures not covered by the <br />Standing Rules of the City Council. <br />The meeting will be recorded, and the recording will be retained for at least four (4) years <br />following approval of the minutes of the meeting. The standard retention can be extended if in <br />the judgment of the Mayor, City Clerk or any other Councilmember, such action is warranted. <br />If the Council action is the result of a resident request and that request is denied in whole or in <br />part, the reasons of fact supporting the denial will be made part of the public record. <br />PROCESS – PUBLIC HEARING <br />Since a public hearing is a more formal procedure and often requires certain procedures and <br />actions to be legal, the meeting rules are changed accordingly. <br />The primary aim of a public hearing is to take input from the public. To accomplish this in the <br />most effective manner, the Mayor will introduce the hearing with an explanation of the issues. <br />The Mayor will give this explanation, or a person designated by the Mayor, before opening the <br />public hearing. <br />Following the explanation, input from the public will be taken. Prior to accepting input though, <br />the Mayor will state the areas where input will be appropriate, the maximum time to be allotted <br />to any individual presenter and any other procedural rules deemed appropriate to guarantee that <br />all concerned parties have a fair and adequate opportunity to be heard. <br />All individuals wishing to speak must speak into a recording microphone. Individuals not wishing <br />to speak in public may provide a written statement. The Council may take up to 15 minutes to <br />review written statements presented at the meeting. If the Council decides not to act on the issue <br />at the public hearing meeting, it may by majority vote extend the time where written input will be <br />taken to a day not later than one week before the next meeting where a deciding vote is planned. <br />All speakers are to address the council in a respectful and civil manner. The Council has authority <br />to preserve order at its meetings and anyone not abiding by these rules will be considered out of <br />order. <br />●Everyone who wishes, will have a chance to address the Council, citizens must address all <br />questions and comments to the Mayor, who will then determine who will answer them. <br />Questions will be answered when all persons have had a chance to speak. Only one person <br />may speak at a time. Citizens are urged to be polite and quiet as comments are made to <br />the Council. Applauding or other displays of approval or disapproval are inappropriate <br />during City Council proceedings. <br />●No one will be given an opportunity to speak a second time until everyone has had an <br />opportunity to speak initially. Please limit the second presentation to new information and <br />not rebuttals.
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