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CC PACKET 02132024
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 02132024
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2/13/2024 2:17:13 PM
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2/13/2024 2:16:11 PM
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2024 <br />●The Council will refrain from initiating a discussion during the public input phase of the <br />hearing except to clarify points brought up. <br />Once the public testimony phase is complete, the Mayor will announce the public hearing to be <br />closed and the Council will revert back to its open discussion mode of operation. From this point <br />on, public input will only be appropriate when solicited by the Council. <br />It shall be the intent of the Council to vote on the issue at the same meeting as the public hearing <br />or the meeting scheduled after the public hearing. Should it be necessary to defer voting until a <br />later date, the procedure will be clearly explained to the audience. <br />If the motion contains conditions, as may occur in conditional use or variance requests, those <br />conditions will be conveyed in writing to the requestor. <br />If the public hearing is the result of a resident request and that request is denied in whole or in <br />part, the reasons of fact supporting the denial will be made part of the public record. <br />If the public hearing is to set an assessment rate, the assessment formula(s) under discussion <br />cannot be altered. This implies that the Council has fully discussed any formulas prior to the <br />hearing and that the appropriate legal, fiscal and engineering consultants have passed on <br />formula(s) viability, legality, and feasibility. <br />If the hearing is to set an assessment, it cannot be scheduled later than the first meeting in <br />September to allow time to correct errors prior to certifying the rolls to the county. <br />MAYOR PRO TEM <br />The Mayor Pro Tem shall be appointed in January of each year. The first Mayor Pro Tem after <br />adoption of this rule shall be the Councilmember with the most continuous time on the Council. <br />The position shall be rotated among Councilmembers based on time of continuous service. If two <br />or more members have identical seniority, the appointment shall be based on alphabetical order <br />by last name. A Councilmember may not serve as Mayor Pro Tem twice until all other <br />Councilmembers have been Mayor Pro Tem. A Councilmember must serve two years before being <br />considered for Mayor Pro Tem. <br />A Councilmember may decline the appointment for good cause and maintain their place in the <br />rotation for appointment the following year. <br />ADOPTION/MODIFICATON/SUSPENSION <br />These rules can be adopted, modified or suspended in whole or in part by a majority vote of the <br />Council. If suspended they are automatically reinstated at the next meeting. <br />ANNUAL REVIEW <br />These rules will be reviewed annually at the first meeting in January.
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