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PK PACKET 06032024
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PK PACKET 06032024
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Parks and Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />March 4, 2024 <br />Page 5 <br />1 <br />2 Commissioner Holiday asked if sheds are considered residential structures and Mr. Sonterre <br />3 stated they are not. Mr. Sonterre asked Ms. Helgen if the courses would train the beekeepers <br />4 on the process and procedures. Ms. Helgen stated it would be included in the online and in- <br />5 person courses. <br />6 <br />7 Commissioner Swiontek asked about the density of the bees and if they would impact other <br />8 pollinators. Ms. Helgen stated there has been a lot of research done and no more than 2 <br />9 colonies are allowed on each property. <br />10 <br />11 Commissioner Guest asked what the biggest misconception is around beekeeping and Ms. <br />12 Helgen stated that it is easy. There is a lot that goes into beekeeping. Managing the bees and <br />13 disease management is very important. <br />14 <br />15 Commissioner Holiday stated he is concerned about the size of St. Anthony. This may be <br />16 better as a partnership with Three Rivers Park District. He fears neighbors may have issues if <br />17 next door to a beekeeper. <br />18 <br />19 Chair Fee asked if there is communication done when such an Ordinance is rolled out to teach <br />20 the general community. Ms. Helgen stated there are a lot of materials available on the U of M <br />21 website that beekeepers could give their neighbors. Mr. Sonterre stated information sessions <br />22 could also be held. The course is a full day in-person. There is also a year 2 class. The online <br />23 class is modules available for 2 years. <br />24 <br />25 Mr. Yunker stated the next steps is to determine if there is a need for community education <br />26 before an ordinance is passed. Commissioner Guest suggested moving it onto the City <br />27 Council for their review. Commissioner Holiday stated based on the No Mow May ordinance <br />28 that was passed onto Council last year and then finding out Slow Mow Summer was better. <br />29 He asked if Three Rivers Park District would need to follow the ordinance if someone reached <br />30 out to them for a partnership. Mr. Sonterre stated the courses are done in early Spring and late <br />31 Fall. Chair Fee asked if the ordinance is passed immediately and Mr. Yunker stated it would <br />32 be a few months and would be looking at 2025 for setting up a new colony. Commissioner <br />33 Holiday asked if Ms. Michaelson was present and whether she had already taken the course. <br />34 Chair Fee stated Ms. Michaelson wasn’t looking at starting until 2025. Mr. Yunker stated it <br />35 most likely wouldn’t come before Council until August – September. This will go to the <br />36 Planning Commission after the Parks and Environmental Commission reviews again in June. <br />37 Chair Fee asked what would be done in the interim. Commissioner Holiday stated he has the <br />38 information he needs and would like to consider community engagement. Commissioner <br />39 Swiontek asked if the public hearing couldn’t happen before it reached the City Council. <br />40 Commissioner Holiday suggested Commissioners get input from residents individually and <br />41 report back to the Planning Commission and the City Council. Mr. Yunker stated if there were <br />42 comments to be passed on they would go to the Planning Commission first. Mr. Yunker asked <br />43 what the Commission would like to see before June when reconsidering. Commissioner Guest <br />44 suggested moving forward. Chair Fee agreed.
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