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Applicant Address <br />PO Box 148 Rosemount MN 55068 <br />Applicant Phone Number* <br />6512478224 <br />Property Information <br />Property Owner (if different from above) <br />Tom Archambault <br />Owner Email Address <br /> <br />Owner Address <br />2801 Kenzie Ter. St Anthony MN 55418 <br />Owner Phone Number <br />612-618-7637 <br />Appeal ($500 fee + $1,500 escrow) <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment ($750 fee + $1,500 escrow if residential; $3,500 escrow if <br />commercial/industrial) <br />Conditional Use Permit ($1,000 fee+ $750 escrow if residential; $2,500 escrow if commercial/industrial) <br />Easement Vacation ($200 fee + $500 escrow) <br />Preliminary Plat ($750 fee + $1,500 escrow) <br />Final Plat ($500 fee + $7500 escrow) <br />Minor Subdivision/Lot Split ($500 fee + $1,500 escrow) <br />Planned Unit Development (PUD) ($1,500 fee + $2500 escrow plus $50 escrow per residential unit ) <br />Rezoning ($750 fee + $1,500 escrow) <br />Zoning Text Amendment ($500 fee + $750 escrow) <br />Site Plan ($500 fee + $750 escrow) <br />Variance ($1,000 fee + $750 escrow if residential; $2,500 escrow if commercial/industrial) <br />Type of Request (Check all that apply) <br />Description of the Request (or a separate detailed narrative explaining the project) <br />Remove the twin pole pylon sign. add a monument sign with a digital gas price sign. <br />5/8/24, 10:58 AM <br /> 2/3