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PL PACKET 06182024
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
PL PACKET 06182024
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6/13/2024 3:09:11 PM
Creation date
6/13/2024 3:08:45 PM
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Attachments <br />CUP Permit Rendiring.pdf <br />Acknowledgement and Signature <br />I acknowledge that I have read all of the information listed in the City of St. Anthony Village Land Use Application and fully <br />understand that I am responsible for all costs incurred by the City related to the processing of this application. If additional fees are <br />required to cover costs incurred from processing of the application, the City has the right to require additional payment from one or <br />more of the undersigned, who shall be jointly liable for such fees. Such expenses may include (but are not limited to) direct city <br />payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants and other professionals, and the cost of printing, mailing, and supplies. Applicants <br />are advised that an escrow deposit is required at the time of the submittal of the land use application to offset costs associated with the <br />proposed project. Unused portions of an escrow are returned to the applicant upon successful implementation of an approved plan. I <br />understand that approval from other agencies may be required before commencement with the stated project. <br />I agree. <br />Electronic Signature Agreement <br />By checking the "I agree" box below, you agree and acknowledge that 1) your application will not be signed in the <br />sense of a traditional paper document, 2) by signing in this alternate manner, you authorize your electronic signature <br />to be valid and binding upon you to the same force and effect as a handwritten signature, and 3) you may still be <br />required to provide a traditional signature at a later date. <br />Electronic Signature* <br />james hamilton <br />Payment <br />Upon submission of this application, please mail or drop off payment for fee and escrow to City Hall 3301 Silver Lake Road, St. <br />Anthony, MN 55418. <br />5/8/24, 10:58 AM <br /> 3/3
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