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June 18th 2024 <br />Page 4 <br />development for several years, with some expectation that it may be redeveloped as a <br />potential affordable housing site. <br />To facilitate the retention of the Bremer Bank presence, and to further the housing goals <br />identified in the Comprehensive Plan, the City eventually approved a rezoning to PUD of the <br />current property in question as a part of a PUD development agreement. The agreement <br />permitted development of a new Bremer Bank location on the former City property, <br />redevelopment of the “old” Bremer site to multi-family housing, and conveyance of a small <br />parcel of land between Kenzie Terrace and Lowry Avenue from Bremer to the City for future <br />public uses or other purposes. <br />The “new” Bremer Bank was to be constructed first to facilitate the bank’s move requirements. <br />Subsequently, it was expected under the terms of the PUD that demolition of the previous bank <br />building would occur, and the developer/owner would proceed with the multi-family housing. <br />During this period, market conditions changed in such a way that the proposed housing project <br />was no longer feasible for the developer. They have been seeking buyers for property since <br />that time. <br />Site Development Details. <br />The current applicants propose to repurpose the existing building for after-school programming <br />for school-aged children who would be driven to, and picked up from, the property by parents. <br />The building would be remodeled only to accommodate those uses, including an indoor multi- <br />purpose area. Offices would also be a component of the building use, and the upper-most floor <br />would be unused for the current time. The applicants propose no changes to the exterior of <br />the building or to the site. <br />The proposed operation details include daily delivery of students to and from the site by <br />automobile. Up to 100 students are expected to participate in the programs offered on the <br />property, with between 10 and 20 staff members. The applicants expect to provide <br />programming and/or staff presence generally between 9:00am and 7:00pm. <br />Because the use is not a childcare or school facility, the applicants indicate that they are not <br />required to have any outside licensing. The applicants have stated that they anticipate no <br />outdoor programming as a part of the site usage. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW <br />The issue for the Planning Commission (and ultimately the City Council) is whether the PUD <br />zoning and the Development Agreement governing the land use on the site should be amended <br />to incorporate a use that was not contemplated by the original PUD approval. The <br />Comprehensive Plan land use guidance can be read to accommodate the use as a quasi- <br />commercial/institutional mixed use. The lack of a residential component would suggest that the <br />City would be looking to promote or accommodate other affordable housing opportunities in <br />other areas.