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June 18th 2024 <br />Page 5 <br />To recommend approval of the amendment, the Planning Commission should consider findings <br />such as the following, and others generated by the discussion and public hearing: <br />1.The land use plan chapter of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies the site for <br />Commercial uses. <br />2.The 2040 Comprehensive Plan includes a variety of mixed use opportunities on <br />Commercial property. <br />3.The proposed use is a reasonable adaptive re-use of an existing vacant building and <br />property. <br />4.The proposed use is reasonably compatible with surrounding land uses including <br />residential properties to the north and east. <br />5.The site is located on major roadways supporting traffic volumes generated by the <br />property. <br />6.The applicant’s proposal provides an important service to the community at large, and <br />justifies the departure from the original PUD goals. <br />To recommend denial, the Planning Commission should consider these and other findings: <br />1.The PUD approved for the site incorporated City property that anticipates a residential <br />component for development on the subject property. <br />2.Opportunities for housing, and particularly affordable housing, are a key component of <br />the City’s compliance with Metropolitan Council housing goals, and for the City’s <br />compliance with those goals. <br />3.The proposed use retains the existing building and site conditions, the improvement <br />and/or replacement of which was an aspect of the City’s approval of the original PUD. <br />4.An aspect of the development plan for the approved PUD included consideration of site <br />improvements that facilitate the City’s “gateway” objectives for the Kenzie Terrace <br />entrance to the community. <br />5.The redevelopment plan approved as a part of the PUD anticipated a reduction in <br />impervious surface on the site, which is an aspect of the City’s goals for managing <br />stormwater in this area of the community, and which the proposed amendment does <br />not achieve. <br />6.Market conditions that disrupted the original PUD completion are constantly changing, <br />and may reasonably be expected to change again in ways that help make the residential <br />use more feasible. <br />Neither set of findings are intended to be complete, but instead, are intended to facilitate the <br />Commission’s review and discussion of the policy implications of the amendment.