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CC WS PACKET 09242024
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 09242024
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DECISION TIMELINE <br />Another aspect of the process has been City of Falcon Heights staff working to secure police services starting <br />January 1, 2025 up until the St. Anthony Police Department would be adequately staffed to begin services. This <br />was ideally to be January 1, 2026, or thereafter based on staffing levels. <br />City of Falcon Heights staff explored temporary options with neighboring agencies on temporary services with <br />no success and made a request to the Ramsey County Sherrif’s Office (RCSO) to extend services through 2025. <br />The RCSO declined and offered no more then two extra months of coverage, through February 28, 2025. As a <br />result, this has shorted the timeline available for the Cities of Saint Anthony Village and Falcon Heights to make a <br />decision on entering into a renewed partnership. <br />A decision should be made by the Saint Anthony Village City Council on October 22, 2024. <br />This is the rationale behind the Appendix A added to the draft contract that references adding service level over <br />time beginning on March 1, 2025. This also impacts the approach for adding additional officer and staff to <br />support the City of Falcon Heights, and the financial support needed to do so without impacting the city of Saint <br />Anthony Village tax levy, which is reflected in the staffing section below. <br />STAFFING PLAN <br />The department analyzed call data and identified the following additional personnel to support expansion: <br />Patrol Officers Additional patrol officers same as previous contract 4 <br />Swing Shift Patrol Additional officers during high call volume time 2 <br />Investigator Investigative capacity to adequately address call type needs 1 <br />Community Engagement Officer Sworn officer to coordinate community engagement for all cities 1 <br />Administrative Support Additional administrative capacity similar to previous contract 1 <br />Total additional personnel needed 9 <br />CURRENT STATUS <br />On July 1, 2024, the authorized sworn officer strength of the Police Department increased to 22. The current <br />staffing level is at 19, and there is one candidate in the background process and 1 additional interview scheduled <br />at this time. In order to increase the applicant pool and ability to hire qualified police officers, the Police <br />Department proposes the following approaches: <br />EXPANSION OF THE CADET PROGRAM <br />There has been some increased interest in the Cadet program, which has a current authorized strength <br />of two (2). The police department has two cadets, who will complete their college education and the <br />Skills program in 2025. Many police departments are finding most success in a long-term solution, in <br />which potential new officers are identified while still completing their college degrees. The department <br />would pay for part of their education, while also employing them as a Cadet on a part-time basis. Once <br />their education is complete, they would be hired as a full time police officer. Staff is proposing that this <br />authorized strength be increased to six (6), which will increase our ability to promote more cadet <br />candidates to the police officer position when they have finished their required college education. An <br />evaluation of hourly compensation and incentives should also be conducted to ensure that St. Anthony <br />is consistent with industry standards. <br />HIRING BONUS <br />Staff proposes offering a one-time hiring bonus for entry level officers and hiring bonus for lateral level <br />officers. Half of the bonus would be paid upon successful completion of the field training program and
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