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the remaining balance at the end of the one-year probationary period. Each officer would be required to <br />repay this amount if their employment ends either voluntarily or involuntarily within two years of the <br />date of hire. <br />REFERRAL BONUS <br />Staff proposes the offering of a one-time lump sum referral bonus to any current St. Anthony Police <br />Department employee who refers an eligible police officer who applies, is hired, and successfully <br />completes the field training program. <br />RETENTION BONUS <br />The only thing worse than being unable to attract new employees would be to lose any of our current <br />personnel. Hiring a new officer that is self-sufficient takes thousands of dollars and approximately 6-9 <br />months’ time. During the building phase of 2025, there will be an increased workload on current <br />personnel, and it is important that they are supported and given additional financial incentive to remain <br />a member of the St. Anthony Police Department. Staff is recommending a retention bonus for all current <br />licensed police officers and office staff who are employed during the entire year of 2025, payable as a <br />percentage of their annual base salary. <br />UPGRADED FACILITY COMMITMENT <br />A significant upgrade to the current police facility or a new facility is necessary for the daily operation of <br />a modern 21st century police department. This is due to the need for space for additional personnel, <br />evidence handling and retention, officer wellness, training, emergency operations, and aesthetics. This <br />will make St. Anthony consistent with most other police departments in the metropolitan area. As a <br />recruitment tool, this is vitally important. Staff recommends a stated commitment by the City Council to <br />pursue this goal, consistent with plans set forth by the Oertel Architects, Ltd. <br />FINANCIAL PLAN <br />The financial aspects of this exploration can be categorized into three areas: <br />Contract price approach and annual charge <br />Personnel and operating needs and related costs <br />Facility upgrades needs <br />CONTRACT APPROACH AND PRICE (FULL SERVICE SCOPE) <br />Determined by allocating costs based on a 50/50 blend of population percentage and call volume percentage, <br />applied to total police costs. Numbers are rounded for clarity: <br />POPULATIONS CALLS FOR SERVICE BLENDED COMBINED <br />COST ALLOCATION(2020 US CENSUS)(YEARLY AVERAGES ON <br />SAV METHODOLOGY) <br />TOTAL SAV FH LD TOTAL SAV FH LD 50%SAV FH LD <br />17,000 9,300 5,400 2,300 12,800 7,900 2,800 2,100 POP 55%32%14% <br />55%32%14%62%22%16%CALLS 62%22%16% <br />BLENDED 58%27%15%