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CC WS PACKET 09242024
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 09242024
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9/19/2024 4:51:08 PM
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9/19/2024 4:50:48 PM
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9/19/2024 <br />4 <br />STAFFING PLAN <br />CURRENT STATUS <br />On July 1, 2024, the authorized sworn officer strength of the Police Department increased to 22. The <br />current staffing level is at 19, and there is one candidate in the background process and 1 additional <br />interview scheduled at this time. <br />In order to increase the applicant pool and ability to hire qualified police officers, the Police Department <br />proposes the following approaches: <br />•Expand the cadet program•Hiring bonus for new officers•Referral bonus•Retention bonus for current officers•Upgraded facility commitment <br />STAFFING PLAN <br />EXPANSION OF THE CADET PROGRAM <br />There has been some increased interest in the Cadet program, which has a current authorized strength <br />of two (2). The police department has two cadets, who will complete their college education and the <br />Skills program in 2025. Many police departments are finding most success in a long‐term solution, in <br />which potential new officers are identified while still completing their college degrees. The department <br />would pay for part of their education, while also employing them as a Cadet on a part‐time basis. Once <br />their education is complete, they would be hired as a full‐time police officer. <br />Staff is proposing that this authorized strength be increased to six (6), which will increase our ability to <br />promote more cadet candidates to the police officer position when they have finished their required <br />college education. An evaluation of hourly compensation and incentives should also be conducted to <br />ensure that St. Anthony is consistent with industry standards.
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