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truck goes over the raised portion at a slower speed. Minneapolis and other <br />places already have these features and have minimal issues. <br />Will the City of Roseville need to be consulted about this, since they have a lot of <br />commercial traffic that passes through that intersection? These roundabouts are <br />designed with concrete median that serves as a truck apron and can be driven <br />over. We would have a public process for input as well. <br />The option for a pedestrian overpass would have impact on Trillium Park and <br />take away some space from it, and would start to affect visual quality of the <br />residents who live right by that intersection. <br />Lanes would be reduced from 4 lanes at the intersection to 2 lanes (one going <br />each direction into and out of the roundabout). Since this would be a Hennepin <br />County project, they would decide the distance of the lanes becoming narrow or <br />wider into and out of the roundabout. <br />St. Anthony Blvd portion by the golf course: <br />This part of the road is a problem area for speeding. MPRB’s proposed design <br />helps reduce speed. The bike lane would be split to preserve the existing trees <br />on the boulevard, but proposed layout can also be changed as long as the trees <br />are preserved. Current design reflects fastest/heaviest vehicles in the middle and <br />pedestrian on the outermost. <br />At Gross Golf Course, considering reducing the number of driveways in/out of the <br />golf course parking lot. The Grand Rounds trail will need to cross the road at <br />some point. Currently there is a bike trail on the southwest sidewalk portion that <br />connects to Ridgeway Parkway. The crossing would remove an entrance into the <br />parking lot to improve safety (parking study is currently being conducted). <br />Engineers believe the area slightly south of the parking lot entrance to cemetery <br />is the safest crossing portion of the road before the curved sightlines going north <br />begins. <br />Another alternative that is lower cost that can be considered: keep the existing <br />road as-is, pave a bike trail into the existing sidewalk. This would not affect trees <br />but would remove the pedestrian-only facility. <br />Phasing and prioritization with SAV projects and priorities is ongoing. <br />Other general discussion: <br />MPRB State funding money needs to be used in about a 4 year period once it is <br />unlocked. This could be used for matching funds for projects. <br />Concern shared about who would be responsible for any features removed or <br />property damaged in the St. Anthony Blvd north sidewalk to construct the trail. <br />This is in the right-of-way and unknown if the city or MPRB would have any <br />responsibility. <br />5