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PL PACKET 10152024
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PL PACKET 10152024
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 20, 2024 <br />Page 8 <br />1 all the way. He is also concerned about parking. 80 parking spaces are not sufficient for the <br />2 site. The only area to be landscaped is what is currently landscaped. When the second <br />3 entrance is removed, you will run into problems with peak hours. Parking on Stinson is not a <br />4 good option for the overflow. When it was a bank the parking lot was never full as it was <br />5 transactional. This site is part of a TIF District to help with affordable housing. He asks the <br />6 applicant to come back with a plan to build affordable housing along with a mosque. Using a <br />7 1979 building that is contaminated. He asked the Commission to deny this application. There <br />8 are many office buildings that are vacant and available. <br />9 <br />10 Ms. Victoria Pervicks, Interstate Development, former owner of the building. They have been <br />11 involved with the property for three years. They had an agreement in the past for multi-family <br />12 housing. Interstate Development had to abandon that project. The TIF District was explored <br />13 but not available. The plan for a 76-unit multi-family building was using ground level and <br />14 surface parking which was also tight. There was a plan to mitigate the soils and ensure the <br />15 building was safe for family use. Bremer had done an environmental study which was also <br />16 redone by Interstate Development. The building will need a new environmental study. They <br />17 are under contract to sell the building to Tibyan. She is moved by their mission. The zoning <br />18 supports a mosque. This group has come to the table to give the City everything they want. <br />19 She supports the project. <br />20 <br />21 Dr. Hassen Hassen, Director of New Century High School, stated this Center will bring a lot <br />22 of benefits to the community. His high school in Fridley is an asset to the community. This <br />23 would be a beacon for the City of St. Anthony. Fridays would be the big prayer day for the <br />24 Center. Parking would not be an issue. He supports the project. <br />25 <br />26 Mohamed, representing Tibyan, stated he has lived in St. Anthony for the past 12 years. He is <br />27 in support of the project and as a long-term resident and graduate of Tibyan. He stated the <br />28 Center would be a great asset to the community. The youth would be a pillar for the <br />29 community. <br />30 <br />31 Mr. Hamse D, student of Tibyan Center, stated he is from Fridley and will be starting at <br />32 University of MN in the fall. This Center would be convenient for he and his peers as it would <br />33 be closer to home. He is in support of the Center. <br />34 <br />35 Ms. Pam Caplin, lived in St. Anthony for many years, stated the high-density housing in St. <br />36 Anthony will require some additional public schools within the City. <br />37 <br />38 Ms. Grace G, supports the project. <br />39 <br />40 Mr. Muctar B, resident of St. Anthony for three years, stated he supports the Tibyan Center <br />41 application, noting that having a youth center is home away from home for the youth. He <br />42 requested the Commission approve the application. <br />43 <br />44 Mr. Robert Zacheim, Director of Hayden Grove, asked the Commission to consider the <br />45 change to a PUD, while there is a great need for affordable housing. The PUD requires some <br />46 additional considerations. There needs to be appropriate traffic studies. The pollution on the
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