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PL PACKET 10152024
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PL PACKET 10152024
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10/9/2024 10:06:41 AM
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />August 20, 2024 <br />Page 9 <br />1 property is a very important aspect. The environmental reports need to be studied before any <br />2 changes are made to the building, landscape, and property. He asked that all this be taken into <br />3 consideration before this is approved. <br />4 <br />5 Vice Chair Morita clarified the Planning Commission only makes recommendations to the <br />6 City Council. <br />7 <br />8 Vice Chair Morita closed the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. <br />9 <br />10 Commissioner Erickson asked Mr. Grittman to confirm whether the site is in a TIF district. <br />11 Mr. Grittman stated he could not confirm that and does not know the status of the TIF <br />12 approvals for the site. Commissioner Erickson stated it sounds like a fabulous project. The <br />13 concerns mentioned are concerning and need more study. He is particularly concerned with <br />14 contamination on the site. That could perhaps be added as a condition. It seems like there is <br />15 enough capacity to handle 200 worshippers but may be short on parking for the offices. <br />16 <br />17 Commissioner Hark stated she appreciates everyone’s comments. This use is much more <br />18 intense than what was there before. She noted some conditions such as in-depth parking and <br />19 traffic study and environmental condition. <br />20 <br />21 Commissioner Rude stated he appreciates the input. The project has not been communicated <br />22 to the community to allow for more comments. There needs to be a vapor mitigation plan <br />23 which is costly at $5-8 sf to install the system. He does not know what regulatory committee <br />24 would require that testing. He does not have enough information to vote on this. There are <br />25 several questions that have not been answered. <br />26 <br />27 Vice Chair Morita stated he was supportive of this project the last time it was presented. He <br />28 wants to be responsible for bringing back the points discussed previously, and the concerns <br />29 were affordable housing and tax income from that space. There was a strong feeling from the <br />30 Commission to not move forward. He does not believe there is a need for office rental space. <br />31 He does not know how to proceed at this point. Staff recommends approval with five <br />32 conditions. The applicant has asked the last two conditions be removed and additions being <br />33 environmental/contamination study and parking/traffic study be done. <br />34 <br />35 Commissioner Rude stated when this decision was made before, his opinion was this property <br />36 should have stayed Commercial. There would be people working there. There are very few <br />37 jobs within St. Anthony. Met Council’s requirements will increase and unless the City tears <br />38 down buildings and redevelops, it will be lacking. The project would be good and there is <br />39 great support, but this may not be right for St. Anthony in this space. <br />40 <br />41 Commissioner Erickson pointed out the Tibyan Center would be a regional draw which would <br />42 provide customers to businesses located in St. Anthony. <br />43 <br />44 Commissioner Hark suggested there are three options available to the Commission. These <br />45 options are approval, denial, or approval with added conditions. <br />46
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