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MEMORANDUM <br />To:Mayor Webster and St. Anthony Village City Council <br />From:Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date:October 16, 2024 <br />Meeting Date:October 22, 2024 <br />RE:St. Anthony – 2401 Lowry Ave. NE PUD Amendment <br />GC Project No.140.01 – 24.05 <br />PROJECT UPDATE <br />This memorandum forwards supplemental materials regarding the requested PUD Amendment <br />at 2401 Lowry Ave. NE. The City Council initially heard this item on its regular agenda at the <br />Council meeting of September 24, 2024. Per the discussion at that meeting, Council directed <br />staff to prepare an alternative resolution to that provided with the initial staff report. <br />The item was eventually rescheduled for consideration at the City Council’s meeting of October <br />22, 2024. Attached to this memo is a copy of the original resolution which would support a <br />decision for approval of the proposed PUD amendment. Also now attached is an alternative <br />resolution supporting a decision for denial of the amendment. Each of the resolutions includes <br />separate sets of proposed findings of fact that the Council may adopt on which to base their <br />decision for approval or denial, respectively. <br />PROPOSED COUNCIL ACTION <br />The Council may take one of the following actions: <br />1.Motion to adopt Resolution 24-063 approving the amendment to the Kenzie Terrace <br />PUD at 2401 Lowry Ave. NE, based on the finding in that resolution and incorporating <br />the conditions of approval as required by said resolution, and as may be modified in <br />accordance with the final Council action on the motion. <br />2.Motion to adopt Resolution 24-069 denying the amendment to the Kenzie Terrace PUD <br />at 2401 Lowry Ave. NE, based on the findings in said resolution , and as may be <br />modified in accordance with the final Council action on the motion.