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CC PACKET 10222024
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CC PACKET 10222024
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10/29/2024 12:03:27 PM
Creation date
10/22/2024 8:37:13 AM
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5.The proposed use is a reasonable adaptive re-use of an existing vacant building and <br />property. <br />6.Religious Assembly uses are commonly found in residential areas of the City, similar to <br />the mixed residential neighborhoods near the proposed site. <br />7.The site is located on major roadways supporting traffic volumes generated by the <br />property. <br />8.The applicants have expressed an interest in making the facility and site an asset to the <br />community at large, similar to other faith communities in the City. <br />9.The applicant’s proposal provides an important service to the community at large, <br />including the occasional availability of the site and its amenities for community use, and <br />justifies the departure from the original PUD goals. <br />10.The applicant has expressed agreement with the conditions herein as conditions of the <br />PUD zoning and site development goals. <br />NOW THEREFORE MAY IT BE RESOVLED, that the City Council of the <br />City of St. Anthony Village accepts the findings and recommendations documented in the staff <br />report and as identified herein, and as shown on the plans and narratives submitted in support of <br />the amendment at 2401 Lowry Ave. NE in accordance with the following conditions: <br />1.Provide information on staffing during religious services in the multi-purpose room, and <br />scale the capacity of the assembly to match the remaining available parking on the site, at <br />the rate of 2.5 persons per parking space. <br />2.Provide an interior floor plan schematic that shows the planned multi-purpose space, and <br />how assembly capacity will be controlled to meet the maximum imposed by the parking <br />supply. The enhanced plan shall be submitted to the City by October 31 <br />3.Close the westerly of the two access driveways to Kenzie Terrace, and add green space <br />and landscaping, including extension/replacement of the existing sidewalk along Kenzie <br />Terrace, to replace the driveway removal. The implementation of this condition shall <br />include a temporary barrier closing this driveway through the winter season of 2024- <br />2025, and construction of permanent improvements within a reasonable timeframe as <br />required by Hennepin County, including replacement of green space, but with installation <br />of all improvements no later than June 1, 2025. <br />4.Provide a more detailed landscaping plan that identifies the proposed planting materials <br />in the illustrated green spaces on the site, as well as the existing green spaces at the <br />perimeter of the site, including a maintenance plan for improving those overgrown areas. <br />The applicants shall submit a plan addressing both maintenance and new installation for <br />City approval by October 29, 2024 including an estimate of the cost of implementation <br />and a financial security to cover implementation. Landscaping required by this condition <br />shall be installed no later than September 1, 2025. <br />5. Provide complete information on the outdoor play area, including surfacing, amenities or <br />structures in the play area, and method of separation from the adjacent driveway (fencing, <br />etc.). The applicants may phase in the construction of this play area and its related <br />improvements including plans and construction (such as landscaping and pavement) over <br />a period of 2 years, to be constructed by Nov. 1 2026. <br />6.Preparation of a traffic and parking impact assessment, identifying the peak capacity of <br />the site during busy periods, and how the site would accommodate both traffic
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