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distribution and parking needs. This assessment needs to incorporate the requirements of <br />Hennepin County related to changes to use and access to Kenzie Terrace, a County <br />jurisdiction roadway. <br />7.Information documenting environmental conditions on the property, and how the <br />applicants propose to address those conditions given the proposes uses and changes to the <br />site and/or building. The three recommendations made by the applicant’s environmental <br />consultant (Stantec) in its report and investigation dated September 18, 2024, are <br />incorporated into this requirement. Continued monitoring of interior and or exterior <br />environmental conditions is required to verify compliance with the terms of this condition <br />until the conditions are resolved, including any requirements of the Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency (MPCA) Response Action Plan for the site. All correspondence in this <br />regard is to be shared with the City. <br />8.The applicant enters into a development agreement with the City incorporating these <br />conditions, and where appropriate, financially securing the implementation of the use and <br />related improvements. Said improvements may be phased in over time according to these <br />conditions, as well as a schedule to be made a part of the agreement. This agreement, or <br />a memorandum thereof, will be recorded against the subject property. <br />Passed in regular session of the City Council on the 22nd day of October, 2024. <br />_________________________________ <br />Wendy Webster, Mayor <br />ATTEST:____________________________ <br /> Jennifer Doyle, City Clerk <br />Review for Administration: _________________________________ <br />Charlie Yunker, City Manager