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factors are regularly changing, and may reasonably be expected to change again in ways <br />that help make the residential use more feasible. <br />10.The Kenzie Terrace PUD District ordinance specifies that changes to the use or approved <br />project plans require an amendment to the PUD. <br />11.The City’s land use plans and zoning ordinance accommodate on equal terms all <br />assembly uses, including the proposed youth center and mosque, in a broad variety of <br />locations and zoning districts throughout the City so there will be no substantial burden <br />placed on the ability to achieve those uses in another location. <br />12.Approval of the youth center/mosque would eliminate one of the City’s best opportunities <br />for housing, and particularly affordable housing. <br />13.The City viewed this PUD, and the transfer of affordable housing from the City-owned <br />parcel to this site, as a key component of the City’s compliance with both Metropolitan <br />Council housing goals, and as justification for the City’s participation in achieving those <br />goals. <br />NOW THEREFORE MAY IT BE RESOVLED, that the City Council of the <br />City of St. Anthony Village adopts the findings of fact as identified herein as a compelling <br />justification in the least restrictive manner possible for denial, and in view of said findings, <br />hereby denies the application submitted on behalf of the Tibyan Center for an amendment to the <br />Kenzie Terrace PUD zoning district at 2401 Lowry Avenue NE. <br />Passed in regular session of the City Council on the 22nd day of October, 2024. <br />____________________________________ <br />Wendy Webster, Mayor <br />ATTEST:____________________________ <br /> Jennifer Doyle, City Clerk <br />Review for Administration: ____________________________________ <br />Charlie Yunker, City Manager