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1.The multi-site PUD (the Kenzie Terrace Planned Unit Development District) approved <br />for the site incorporated City property that anticipates a residential component for <br />development on the subject property. <br />2.The City’s participation in the PUD involved a sale of city-owned land, providing area <br />for Bremer Bank’s relocation that was motivated in large part by the opportunity to <br />achieve the City’s goal of expanding affordable housing development in the community. <br />3.The City-owned land provided for Bremer Bank’s relocation had been held by the City <br />for several years with the expectation that it would be utilized for affordable housing <br />when the proper project became feasible. <br />4.The prior Bremer Bank location, at 2401 Lowry Ave. NE (the subject of this application) <br />is known to have residual environmental pollution from prior land uses on the property. <br />5.The development of a new affordable housing project as currently authorized on the <br />subject property will address both an affordable housing goal, as well as a significant <br />environmental cleanup, consistent with the City’s commitments to a wide range of <br />housing opportunity, together with goals for sustainability and environmental <br />stewardship. Examples of relevant housing policies from the Comprehensive Plan <br />include the following: <br />A.Explore the potential for affordable housing development at the city-owned <br />site on Kenzie Terrace (former bowling alley site). <br />B.Utilize available financing techniques to encourage multi-family housing <br />developments to include a component of affordable housing. <br />C.Plan for the re-development of underutilized commercial properties, <br />especially those on higher volume streets and transit routes, for higher density, <br />multi-family and senior housing. <br />D.Evaluate the appropriateness for ordinances that encourage alternative and <br />affordable housing options like accessory dwelling units and smaller <br />apartment units. <br />E.Utilize the Planned Unit Development re-zoning as a tool at key locations to <br />promote market flexibility, integrated land uses, density and walkability. <br />F.Revise the zoning code to allow for residential uses in commercial districts, to <br />better meet anticipated market and transportation trends. <br />6.The current application for a proposed youth center/mosque use retains the existing <br />building and site conditions (including the environmental contamination conditions), the <br />improvement, replacement or remediation of which was an important component of the <br />City’s approval of the original PUD. <br />7.An aspect of the development plan for the approved PUD included consideration of site <br />improvements that facilitate the City’s “gateway” objectives for the Kenzie Terrace <br />entrance to the community. <br />8.The redevelopment plan approved as a part of the PUD anticipated a reduction in <br />impervious surface on the site, which is an aspect of the City’s goals for managing <br />stormwater in this area of the community, and which the proposed amendment does not <br />achieve. <br />9.The market conditions that reportedly disrupted the original housing component of the <br />PUD (higher interest rates, labor and materials costs after the COVID period) and other