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PK PACKET 12022024 Worksession
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PK PACKET 12022024 Worksession
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11/27/2024 9:31:32 AM
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Climate Plan ActionRankingNotesShare existing information on resources for reducing energy use in buildings, including the Inflation Reduction Act’s Home Energy Rebates, free energy audits from power companies, etc. Ensure educational resources and opportunities for home energy improvements are accessible to low‐income residents.Consider developing an incentive program or grant funding for residents to pursue a home audit. One example would be to refund residents the cost of their home audit if they address a certain number of inefficiencies identified in the home audit. Examine providing low‐income residents with financial support in improving home efficiency if a home audit identifies significant issues.Consider adopting a sustainable building policy for all new and remodeled construction projects.Subsidize Home Energy Audit for residents who commit to investing in some form of energy efficiency in their homes.Discuss participating in the Partners in Energy Program and creating an Energy Action Plan. In progress as of 2024: Energy Action Plan is being written and expected to be ready for review late Feb 2025.Address financial barriers for low‐to‐moderate‐income residents by reducing or waiving permit submission fees for solar panels.Partner with Minnesota Renewable Energy Society to build Community Solar Gardens on public property (e.g. parking lot canopies) where qualifying households can apply for a subscription and save money on their monthly electric billDetermined to be unfeasible during Partners in Energy Action Team meetings.INSTRUCTIONS: Each of the Climate Plan focus areas are listed below with specific actions for consideration that were determined to be led by Policy (Council & PEC responsibility). Please rank the actions for each focus area in the order of what you believe should be prioritized to help determine what PEC should pursue or advise Council on first, #1 being the highest priority. Use the "Notes" column to record any of your comments and to see info from staff about actions that are currently in progress. Note that final prioritization is subject to PEC group consensus and staff input. This prioritization exercise is for planning purposes only and is subject to change.December 2, 2024Parks & Environmental Commission Work SessionSAV Climate Plan Priority Ranking ActivityENERGY: Rank from 1 (highest) to 8 (lowest) priority.
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