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PK PACKET 12022024 Worksession
Parks & Planning Commission
Parks and Environmental Commission Packets
PK PACKET 12022024 Worksession
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11/27/2024 9:31:50 AM
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11/27/2024 9:31:32 AM
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Explore solar panel installation on public facilities. Seek funding from utility providers and government programs, and integrate implementation costs into the annual budget. In progress as of 2024: Received Solar on Public Buildings Department of Commerce grant for Public Works and Water Treatment Plant. Installations will be constructed 2025. Other city facilities determined as poor candidates for rooftop solar and not enough space for ground mounted arrays.Climate Plan ActionRanking NotesDiscuss incentivizing residents to use alternative modes of transportation by zoning for limited parking at facilities and event spaces that have sufficient pedestrian infrastructure connecting to existing nearby parking.Develop a bike and pedestrian plan to develop specific goals and infrastructure opportunities and participate in regional planning initiatives. Applied for MnDOT Active Transportation Planning grant in Nov 2024, will be notified about application result in January 2025.Consider adopting a policy on publicly‐facing charging infrastructure. Determine the most effective locations for EV charging stations at public facilities in SAV. Integrate predicted installation expenses into the budget. Identify a vendor and develop an installation plan.Consider adopting a policy encouraging or requiring new multi‐use developments to install EV infrastructure. City Council held a worksession on 11/12 and discussed possible different types of EV charging ordinance models.TRANSPORTATION: Rank from 1 (highest) to 6 (lowest) priority.
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