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December 17, 2024 <br />Page 2 <br />are design or project-level details to be worked out as a part of a future application. This site is <br />zoned Planned Unit Development as a part of the Silver Lake Village PUD district, and as such, <br />public hearings before the Planning Commission and review by the Council of various stages of <br />the project will be presented for future consideration, if the development team decides to <br />move forward with the project. <br />As a general guide for discussion, staff would pose the following questions. Others may arise <br />for discussion from the Commissioners and Councilmembers at the meeting, as well as from the <br />development team: <br />1.How does the general land use comply with the City’s expectations? (In this regard, the <br />land use would qualify as medium density residential, with a development density of <br />just under 17 units per acre). <br />2.The concept site plan shows relatively tight setbacks on the property from all sides, <br />including from the adjoining streets, among other considerations. Are there specific <br />elements of the site plan that would be problematic when considering approval of a <br />plan this general configuration? <br />3.The concept plan envisions two-story buildings, with a mix of 2-3 bedroom units, and <br />tuck-under garages. How does the proposed project’s building massing fit with the <br />City’s vision for this parcel? <br />4.How critical to City approval would affordability of the units be? <br />5.What aspects of the proposal are most attractive to the City? <br />6.How could the project be modified from the current site concept to improve chances of <br />the City’s zoning approval? <br />As noted above, there are likely to be other questions that may benefit the presenters as they <br />consider whether to proceed with further planning. The Worksession discussion does not <br />include negotiations over the purchase price that the City and/or development team may seek. <br />Those discussions would occur on a separate track, independent of the City’s land use process. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />1.Concept Site Plan