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ORDINANCE NO. ___ <br />1 <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br />HENNEPIN AND RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ST. ANTHONY CITY CODE, <br />BY AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE CITY CODE RELATING TO <br />ADMINISTRATION, PERMITTING AND FEES, SIGNAGE, NATURAL <br />LANDSCAPES, TRANSIENT/TEMPORARY BUSINESS LICENSING, <br />VARIOUS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, AND <br />LAND USE ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. ANTHONY HEREBY ORDAINS: <br />Section 1.Section §33.001 is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />33.001 FEES <br />The city’s fee, rates, and charges for licenses, permits, and municipal services are <br />the amounts set forth in this chapter. Actions taken without first obtaining the <br />required licenses or permits or any applications for renewal license submitted <br />after the license term expiration or otherwise a declared application deadline are <br />subject to a penalty fee, which shall be determined from time to time by the City <br />Council. <br />Section 2.Section §154.007 is hereby amended to add the following: <br />154.007 Definitions: Retaining Wall <br />Retaining Wall: That which is erected as a permanent barrier, affixed along its <br />entire length to the ground or some immovable structure to impede the movement <br />or erosion of soil. Retaining Walls shall be subject to the applicable requirements <br />of other fences. <br />Section 3. Section §151.04 is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />150.088 Definitions: <br />MANAGED NATURAL LANDSCAPES: planned, intentional, and maintained <br />planting of native or nonnative grasses, wildflowers, forbs, ferns, shrubs, or trees, <br />including but not limited to rain gardens, meadow vegetation, and ornamental <br />plants. Managed natural landscapes does not include turf-grass lawns left <br />unattended for the purpose of returning to a natural state. <br />Section 4. Section 151.10(E) is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />(E)Yard cover. Every yard of premises on which a dwelling stands must be