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PL PACKET 01212025
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
PL PACKET 01212025
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1/17/2025 9:32:27 AM
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1/17/2025 9:32:20 AM
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ORDINANCE NO. ___ <br />2 <br />covered by lawns and/or ground cover of vegetation, gardens, hedges, shrubbery, <br />rock or wood mulch, or related decorative materials consistent with those <br />commonly available at home and garden stores, and must be maintained. Once an <br />area has been converted to turf grass the land owner shall not allow the turf grass <br />to exceed the height of 6 inches or be allowed to go to seed. No land owner may <br />permit or maintain on the land any growth of weeds, grass, brush or other rank <br />vegetation to exceed the height of 6 inches, any accumulation of dead weeds, <br />grass or brush, or any noxious weeds or plants as defined by the Minnesota <br />Department of Agriculture. The planned, intentional, and maintained planting of <br />native or nonnative grasses, wildflowers, forbs, ferns, shrubs, or trees, including <br />but not limited to rain gardens, meadow vegetation, and ornamental plants, known <br />as managed natural landscapes, shall be allowed. Managed natural landscapes <br />does not include turf-grass lawns left unattended for the purpose of returning to a <br />natural state. <br />(1) Managed natural landscapes exceeding six (6) inches shall not be any <br />closer to a fire source than twenty-five (25) feet. <br />(2) Setback requirements for surfaces covered by managed natural <br />landscapes shall be a minimum of three (3) feet from a side yard property <br />line. No vegetative growth greater than eighteen (18) inches in height five <br />(5) feet from any public roadway adjacent to the front yard, and for corner <br />houses, a public roadway adjacent to the side yard. <br />Section 5. Section 91.56 is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />91.56 KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS. <br />No person may keep farm animals or wild animals as defined in this code, nor <br />more than two dogs or three dogs allowed under §§ 91.01 through 91.03, or fowl, <br />within the city nearer than 500 feet to any human habitation or platted land, <br />without approval of the City Council. <br />Section 6.Section 112.18(B) is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />INSPECTIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS <br />(B) Police and health authorization. All police officers, or sanitarians of the city <br />may inspect a multiple dwelling when requested to do so by the City Manager or <br />designee. <br />Section 7.Section 151.04 Housing Maintenance Definitions, is hereby amended to add <br />the following: <br />Definitions - TEMPORARY STORAGE CONTAINER: A fully enclosed storage <br />unit or container without a permanent foundation and not exceeding 128 square <br />feet, designed to be capable of relocation via towing, hauling or attachment to a <br />vehicle form one site to another. <br />Section 8.Section 151.10 is hereby amended to add the following:
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