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MEMORANDUM <br />To:St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />From:Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date:Planning Commission Public Hearing – January 21, 2025 <br />GC Project No.140.00 <br />Request:General Code Amendments <br />Property Address: NA <br />Property PID:NA <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The attached ordinance presents a series of proposed code amendments for Planning <br />Commission consideration and discussion. These have been generated primarily through a <br />review of the existing (and recodified) City Code. A public hearing has been noticed, although <br />many of the general City code amendments do not require it. Many of these are thought to be <br />clerical, but some policy issues are raised. The code sections are summarized briefly below to <br />assist in the Commission’s discussion and review. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br />If acceptable to the Commission, staff asks that the Commission make a recommendation on <br />the proposed ordinance and send it to the City Council for its consideration, including any <br />recommended revisions to language or approach. Some of the proposed sections may be <br />withheld for further study and research if the Commission’s review requires it. <br />PROPOSED ORDINANCE SECTIONS <br />Section 1. This language incorporates a penalty fee clause for property owners who proceed to <br />do work without the requisite zoning or other applicable permits. The Building Code (separate <br />from the City Code) imposes a double-fee for those who undertake a construction project <br />without the required Building Permit. This clause enables the City to set an appropriate penalty <br />fee as a part of the City’s fee schedule, which is typically adopted and updated on an annual <br />basis. <br />Section 2. Resets the “Retaining Wall” Definition in the fence section, changing it from “Wall, <br />Retaining”, for simple clarity and to track with how the term is used in the Code. The text of <br />the definition does not change, with the exception that a clause is added to clarify that <br />retaining walls must meet the requirements of other fences, consistent with current practice.