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PL PACKET 01212025
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PL PACKET 01212025
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1/17/2025 9:32:27 AM
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1/17/2025 9:32:20 AM
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January 21, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />Section 3. This change updates the City’s recently adopted natural landscape language (from <br />2023) to be consistent with the even more recently adopted State statutory language from <br />2024. <br />Section 4. This change also relates to the natural landscapes language, removing the current <br />prohibition from planting such landscapes in the right of way, as the City has sponsored these <br />types of alternative gardens, and modifying the maximum height of such materials, increasing it <br />from 12 to 18 inches, also consistent with the 2024 state statutory language for managed <br />natural landscapes. <br />Section 5. This change deletes reference to the City’s Health Officer, which is not a designated <br />office in the city. <br />Section 6. This change deletes reference to the City’s Health Officer, which is not a designated <br />office in the city. <br />Sections 7. and 8. This is a component of the Housing Maintenance chapter of the code. Prior <br />language dealing with Temporary Storage deleted a section that could have been interpreted to <br />accommodate moving container or “Pods” use, whereas the original intent was to prohibit the <br />use of storage and shipping containers and long-term storage structures (usually in commercial <br />or industrial areas). This section redefines for temporary storage specific to residential uses, <br />then limits size to 128 square feet, whereas industrial shipping containers are usually a <br />minimum of 320 square feet. <br />Section 9. This section currently provides for removal of illegal signage by the City, irrespective <br />of the type and location of such signage. It arguably creates a duty on the part of the City to <br />remove such signage, which can be problematic on private property, or where there are other <br />circumstances that may affect the prudence of this level of enforcement. The City retains other <br />options for code compliance, but proposes (on the advice of legal counsel) to limit the removals <br />option to commercial/industrial property of illegal signs that are larger than 6 square feet. <br />Signs below this size are identified in the Sign Ordinance as being specifically allowed for all <br />purposes – especially non-commercial speech, and enforcement (if appropriate) would best be <br />addressed on a case-by-case basis. With this change, the smaller noncommercial speech signs <br />(6 square feet or less) would be then subject to alternative enforcement measures. <br />Sections 10 and 11. This section addresses transient merchants and peddlers. The City Code <br />has a number of licensing and procedural requirements for such merchants, but notes also that <br />any such merchant is required to hold a county license. In researching this process, it was <br />noted that both Hennepin and Ramsey County have extensive licensing requirements for <br />transient merchants and peddlers. Staff proposes deletion of this City licensing/regulatory <br />requirement to eliminate overlap and clarify regulatory responsibilities. One existing short <br />section is retained, specifying that the intent of the [County] licensing may not be to limit <br />anyone’s legitimate exercise of Constitutional rights, including free speech, expression, press, <br />religion, etc.
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