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CC WS PACKET 02112025- Joint with Planning
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 02112025- Joint with Planning
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2/6/2025 2:29:44 PM
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2/6/2025 2:29:19 PM
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February 11, 2025 <br />Page 2 <br />Development (PUD) for their project. This would be subject to further review at future Planning <br />Commission and City Council meetings. <br />WORK SESSION ACTION <br />For the purposes of this discussion, the development team is seeking input on the general <br />proposed uses and scope of the project. Property developers are not required to meet with City <br />Council and Planning Commission prior to submitting a land use application. Given the potential <br />scope of their project, the development team was interested hearing from the Council and <br />Planning Commission before the formal application process. <br />If the development team proceeded with their project and submitted a land use application, <br />the Planning Commission and City Council would then have the opportunity to review per their <br />respective powers and duties. <br />As a general guide for discussion, staff would pose the following questions. Others may arise <br />for discussion from the Commissioners and Councilmembers at the meeting, as well as from the <br />development team: <br />1.What aspects of the proposal are most attractive to the City? <br />2.How could the project be modified from the current site concept to improve chances of <br />the City’s zoning approval? <br />3.What other information would the City need to gather (from the applicant or other <br />sources) to adequately evaluate this project? <br />4.How can the development team best describe the full range of land uses on the subject <br />property, including uses that now exist and will remain? <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />1.Concept Site Plan <br />8
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