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ORDINANCE NO. ___ <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />(G) NOTICE TO RENTER, REQUIREMENT TO POST, NOTICE TO <br />NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES: <br />1. The owner or its agent must post, in accordance with the instructions <br />provided by the City, in each Short-Term Rental unit a current copy of <br />the Short-term Rental License provided by the City upon issuance of <br />license. This license shall specifically include the following minimum <br />information: <br />a. The street address of the registered property; and <br />b. The name, street address, email address(es) and telephone <br />number(s) of the owner, the local agent or both as <br />applicable; and <br />c. The expiration date of the license. <br />d. A notice shall be posted in a conspicuous location within <br />the rental property specifying that no parking of any <br />vehicle shall be located on any portion of the property <br />except in the driveway or garage, nor on the public street <br />overnight in compliance with City parking regulations as <br />found in Sections §71.36 and §71.37, Parking during Snow <br />Removal and Parking in Excess of 24 hours. <br /> <br />(H) EXEMPTIONS: <br />1. Individual sleeping rooms for residents and guests within an otherwise <br />owner-occupied residence. <br />2. Rentals where the owner is present for the duration of the rental. <br />3. Rentals that exist solely due to “rent-back” provision of property sales <br />between seller and buyer, prior to or subsequent to closing of said sale. <br />4. Month-to-month rental leases that originated from a lease period in <br />excess of thirty (30) consecutive days. <br />5. Lodging establishments as allowed in the C, Commercial District. <br /> <br />(I) LICENSE SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION: <br /> <br />1. A Short-Term Rental license may be revoked or suspended by the City <br />Council at any time under the provisions of this chapter, or other <br />applicable Section of the City Code, for grounds including, but not <br />limited to, the following: <br />a. Two or more confirmed violations of this section within <br />180 days. <br />b. False or misleading information given or provided in <br />connection with a license application. <br />18