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19 <br />proposals and will award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder, or reject all <br />proposals. If the proposal contains a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, <br />the City will not award the bid until it has received certification of the <br />Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation from the Mn/DOT Equal <br />Employment Opportunity Office. <br />S. This written consent will in no way relieve the City from its primary <br />responsibility for performance of the work. Subcontractor agreements must <br />contain all appropriate terms and conditions of this agreement:. <br />E. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION. <br />1. "Che City will request approval from Mn/DOT for all costs in excess of the amount <br />of federal funds previously approved for the Project prior to incurring such costs. <br />Failure to obtain such approval may result in such costs being disallowed for <br />reimbursement. <br />2. The City will prepare reports, keep records, and perform work so as to enable <br />Mr)/DOT to collect the federal aid sought by the City. The City will retain all <br />records and reports in accordance with Mn/DOT's record retention schedule for <br />federal aid projects. <br />3. <br />Upon completion of the Project, the Project: Engineer will determine whether the <br />work will be. accepted. <br />F, PAYMENTS. <br />I. The entire cost of the Project is to be paid from federal funds made available by <br />the FTIWA and by other funds provided by the City. The City will pay any pat of <br />the cost or expense of the Project that is not paid by federal funds. <br />2. The City pray request partial payments not more than once each thirty (30) days. <br />The Project Engineer will certify each partial payment. <br />3. 'The invoice and supplements thereto, will contain all details that may be <br />necessary for a proper audit. Such details will consist of at least the following: <br />(a) A breakdown of labor by individual, classification, dates and hours <br />worked times the applicable rate to arrive at a total dollar amount <br />for each individual. <br />(b) The labor additive shall be applied to total labor dollars. <br />(c) The equipment charges shall be broken down by type of equipment <br />times the applicable rate and dates used to arrive at total equipment <br />charges. <br />(d) A detailed breakdown of outside services used and supporting <br />invoices and documentation that costs of outside services have <br />(Mn/DOT Agreement No. 8"]625) <br />Page 4 <br />