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been paid. <br />zl <br />(e) Detail for materials, supplies, and other items with the description, <br />units, and unit prices included in the invoice. If materials or <br />supplies are purchased from an outside source, a copy of that <br />invoice should be included. <br />(f) The invoices will include 10010 of eligible charges applicable to <br />the Preliminary Engineering so that the prorata share of federal and <br />City participation can be applied to the total costs. <br />4. Following certification of the final estimate, the City may request reimbursement <br />for costs eligible for federal funds. The City's request will be made to Mn/DOT <br />and will include a copy of the certified final estimate along with the required <br />records. <br />5. Reimbursement of costs under this agreement will be base(] on actual costs. <br />G. f,JMlTA'f1:ONS_ <br />1. The City will comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, <br />ordinances, and regulations. <br />2. NOudiscrinllnat 0fl. It is the policy of the FIIWA and the State of Minnesota that <br />no person in the United States will, on the grounds of race, color, or national <br />origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be <br />subjected to discrimination under any program. or activity receiving .Federal <br />financial assistance (4-2 U.S.C. 2000d). Tbrougb expansion of the mandate for <br />nondiscrimination in Title VI and through parallel legislation, the prescribed <br />bases of discrimination include race, color, sex, national origin, age, and <br />disability. In addition, the Title VI program has been extended to cover all <br />programs, activities and services of an entity receiving Federal financial <br />assistance, whether such programs and activities are Federally assisted or not. <br />Even in the absence of prior discriminatory practice or usage, a recipient in <br />administering a program or activity to which this part applies, is expected to take <br />affirmative action to assure that no person is excluded from participation in, or is <br />denied the benefits of, the program or activity on the grounds of race, color, <br />national origin, sex, age, or disability. It is the responsibility of the City to carry <br />out the above requirements. <br />3. Workers' Compensation. Any and all employees of the City or other persons <br />while engaged in the performance of any work or services required or permitted <br />by the City under this agreement will not be considered employees of Ma/DOT, <br />and any and all claims that may arise under the Workers' Compensation Act of <br />Minnesota on behalf of said employees, or other persons while so engaged, will in <br />no way be the obligation or responsibility of Mn/DOT. The City will require <br />proof of Workers' Compensation Insurance from any contractor and sub- <br />contractor. <br />(Mn/CO'r Agreement No. ©7625) - <br />Page 5 <br />