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F. AUDIT. <br />W <br />I.. 'rile City will comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984 and Office of <br />Management and Budget (OMB) circular A-133 including amendments and. <br />successors thereto, which are incorporated herein by reference. <br />2. As provided under Minnesota Statutes Section 1.60.05, subdivision 5, all books, <br />records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the City are <br />subject to examination by the United States Government, .Mn/DOT, and either the <br />Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor as appropriate, for a minimum of six <br />years. The City will be responsible for any costs associated with the performance <br />of the audit. <br />G. MAINTENANCE. The City assumes full responsibility for the operation and <br />maintenance of any facility constructed or improved under this Agreement. <br />Il.. CLAIMS. The City will pay any and all lawful claims arising out of or incidental <br />to the performance of the Project work. The City acknowledges that Mn/DOT is <br />acting only as the City's agent for receipt and disbursement of federal funds, and <br />not as a principal or co -principal with respect to the Project. In all events, the City <br />will indemnify Mu/DOT and hold Mn/DOT harmless from any claims arising out <br />of the Project. <br />LL Di71 ITIS Ot� Mn/DOT. <br />A. ACCEPTANCE. Mn/DOT accepts designation as Agent of the City for the <br />receipt and disbursement of federal funds and will act in accordance herewith. <br />B. PROTECT ACTIVITIES. <br />1. Mn/DOT will make the necessary requests to the FHWA for authorization to use <br />federal funds for the Project, and for reimbursement of eligible costs pursuant to <br />the terms of this agreement. <br />2. Mn/DOT will provide to the City copies of the required Federal -aid clauses to be <br />included in the proposal solicitation and will provide the required Federal -aid <br />provisions to be included in the Proposal. <br />3. Mn/DOT will review and certify the DBE participation and notify the City when <br />certification is complete. <br />C. PAYMENTS. <br />1. Mn/DOT will receive the federal funds paid by the FHWA for the Project, <br />pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 161.36, Subdivision 2. <br />2. Ma/DOT will review and certify each partial pay request. Following certification <br />of the partial estimate, Mn/DOT will reimburse the City, from said federal funds <br />made available to the Project, for each partial payment request, subject to the <br />(Mn/DOT Agreemen- No. V625) <br />Paye 6 <br />