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W, <br />AiEM0ItANr,U1M <br />DATE: January 27, 2005 <br />To: Mike Mormon, City Manager <br />FROM: Roger Larson, Finance Director <br />Todd Hubmer, Yl3 - City Engineer <br />11'EM: zoos WATEIVSEWE R/vrES <br />This memo has been written to provide Council with an update and recommendation for <br />adjustments to the 2005 water and sewer rates. These recommendations are based on projected <br />expenditures for operation and maintenance of the water and sewer utilities. <br />LGntcrs•; <br />St. Anthony water rates for 2004 were $1.73 per I00 cubic feet (CCII) of water Used. The 2004 <br />water rates are broken down as follows: <br />$1.16 - Annual Operating Bridget <br />$ .52 - $2,200,000 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 2003B <br />a) Kenzie Terrace/27'� Avenue Sanitary Sewer <br />b) Water Treatment Chemical Upgrades <br />c) Well Douse 3,4 & 5 Upgrades <br />$-513 0 Non/Recurring Maintenance (Implemented in 2003) <br />$1..73 <br />The water rates have not been adjusted for changes in annual operation. costs since 2003. Based <br />on the proposed 2005 operations budget and the anticipation of additional non-recurring <br />maintenance items, it is proposed to increase water rates in 2005 by $0.10 CCF, which equates to a <br />rate of $1.83 per 100 cubic feet. <br />A breakdown of the proposed 2005 water rates is as follows: <br />$1.210 Annual Operating Budget (.05 cent increase) <br />.52 - $2,200,000 Water/Sewer Revenue Bonds 2003B <br />a) Kenzie Terrace/27°i Avenue Sanitary Sewer <br />b) Water Treatment Chemical Upgrades <br />c) Well House 3,4 & 5 Upgrades <br />$-1-0 0 Non/Recurring Maintenance (.05 cent increase) <br />$1.83 <br />