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The non-recurring maintenance portion of the water rate was approved in 2002 and implemented in <br />2003. The purpose was to provide funding for improvements to the sewer and water system. These <br />improvements are not to be considered as projects with an immediate need for funding or <br />completion; rather they are improvements that are made over time as funding becomes available. <br />Sonic of the anticipated improvement projects include: <br />1) Prepare water security strategic plan <br />2) System wide controls and telemetry improvements. <br />3) Televise Sanitary Sewer Line in Kenzie Terrace Area. <br />4) Identify and eliminate sources of 'inflow and infiltration <br />into the sanitary sewer system. <br />5) Construct closed-loop booster pump station near Skycroft/33rd Avenue. <br />The 2002 recommendation for non-recurring maintenance funding anticipated phasing in a $0.20 <br />increase in water rates over a 4 -yea: period. However, because of increases in the 2004 tax levy, <br />the proposed implementation of the $0.05 increase for 2004, 2005 & 2006 were deferred back 1 <br />year. To provide the necessary funding for water/sewer maintenance, it is proposed that the <br />non-recurring maintenance portion of water rates be increased by $0.05 in each of the next three <br />years. <br />The proposed $0.10 increase in 2005 water rates will have the following impact to St. Anthony <br />residents: <br />Cumpatrxzg�2004 to die proposed 200.5 Wateril ate <br />($1.73 to $1, 83 aver CCF) <br />1.) Average Quarterly Utility Bill. (2800 CCS' of water) <br />Increase Increase <br />.-2(t04 --2B)5- R 1' narter <br />Water $48.44 $ 51.24 $ 2.80 x;11.20 <br />2) Minimum Bill: (1000 CCF of water) <br />Increase Increase <br />2004 _..211115- iDe�er Annual <br />Water $17.30 $ 18.30 $ 1.00 $4.00 <br />Sewer (No rate increase is necessary) <br />The primary focus of the Sewer Operating Budget is the cost of sanitary waste disposal. In <br />reviewing the Metro WastcUs disposal costs for 2004, there was a reduction in cost for sanitary <br />waste disposal ($387,970 compared to the average of the prior three yeas of $445,720). <br />When comparing the 2004 operating revenues of $749,262 to expenditures of $700,131, revenues <br />exceeded costs by $49,131. In projecting the 2005 operating costs for sewer, it is estimated that <br />expenditures would be approximately $735,200, which is less than current revenues. No rate <br />increase is necessary. <br />