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SAINT PAUL RAMSEY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION <br />2006 SCORE FUNDING GRANT APPLICATION <br />CITY/TOWNSHIP City of St. Anthony <br />CONTACT PERSON KimMoore-Sykes, Assistant Cit} Minaeer <br />ADDRESS _ 3301 Silver Lake Road, SL Anthony MN 55418 <br />PHONE 6122-782-3312 FAX 612-782_3302 <br />A. DESCRIPTION OF 2006 RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING PROGRAM <br />i. In 2006, will any collection services be provided under a contract? Yes No _ X_._. <br />a. If so, provides coni rac'tor(s), address, and contact name. <br />ID. Which type of households are expected to receive service under 'the contract? <br />Single-family: Duplex; Triplex: 4plex: _ <br />Townhome: Condominium: Manufactured Home Park: <br />Multi -unit buildings (LAI) <br />c. What is the total number of households expected to receive service under the contract? <br />Single-family thru 4-plex: <br />Multi -unit buildings with 5 or more units'. <br />d. What materials will be collected? List each sorting category for 2006 and materials collected <br />in that category. (If different materials will be collected or different sorts are required <br />based on type of housing, please describe differences.) <br />e. What is the collection frequency? (If frequency is different based on type of housing, please <br />describe differences.) <br />